Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
First United Methodist Church of Georgetown

Sunday Mornings
Worship Service
First United Methodist Church of Georgetown has one service at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning. Our worship service is traditional with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and lasts for about an hour. We sing old and new traditional hymns, hear a choir anthem or special music, listen to scripture readings and a sermon. Prior to the Pastor’s sermon, there will be a brief children’s message which is enjoyed by “children” of all ages. We will take a minute at the beginning of the service to share important announcements. There is also a short time of sharing joys and lifting up prayer requests. We will collect an offering during the service. You are not obligated to support the missions of our church and will not be pressured to make a donation.
The message will often focus on a passage of scripture and how it relates to our lives today. Every sermon is designed to be understandable, creative, challenging, biblical, and helpful. Sermons usually last between 20-25 minutes during typical worship services.
Communion is offered on the first Sunday of each month and everyone is welcome to receive.
Whether you’ve never been to a church, or it’s been a long time since you have, or you’re new to the area, walking into a new place full of strangers can feel uncomfortable. We understand and hope this description of what to expect in our worship service is helpful.
Online Worship Service - Fairtown Charge
Our Church is one of three churches in a group named the United Methodist Fairtown Charge which includes United Methodist congregations at Fairview UMC, Fairmount UMC, and Georgetown UMC. We share one Pastor who serves all three congregations. In addition to preaching at each church on Sunday morning, the Pastor began an on-line service during the pandemic that is available live at 6:45 a.m. each Sunday morning. This can be viewed anytime on the Fairtown Charge Facebook.
Children's Sunday School
Every Sunday morning after the Children's Message, children are invited to go to a classroom where they can hear age-specific lessons and experience lots of active fun. Each teacher has been through our Safe Sanctuary application process to assure children learn in a safe environment.
Fellowship Time
From 9:00am-9:30am Sunday Morning prior to worship service.
Spend time together visiting and enjoying a cup of coffee (or juice) and snack in the church’s gathering room next to the sanctuary.
We also have other social events periodically throughout the year, such as cookouts, movie nights, trivia nights, potlucks, Hanging of the Greens to kick off the Christmas season, etc. Please check out our calendar of upcoming fellowship events.
Adult Sunday School
There are two adult Sunday school classes which meet just before and immediately after the worship service.
8:30 to 9:15 a.m.
10:45 to 11:30 a.m.