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Bible Studies

   Tuesday Bible Study from 9a.m. to 10a.m. at the church – this is a small group of individuals journeying together seeking the truth of the Living Word by studying various topics and books of the Bible. We challenge each other by sharing our questions, insights, and prayer requests.

     Throughout the year, special Bible studies are also offered at various times such as during Lent and Advent seasons.   These are usually led by the Pastor.  See church calendar for dates and times.


Sunday School:  Every Sunday morning after the Children's Message, children are invited to go to a classroom where they can hear age-specific lessons and experience lots of fun activities. Each teacher has been through our Safe Sanctuary application process to assure children learn in a safe environment.


Vacation Bible School:  Generally each summer a Vacation Bible School is offered for Pre-K to 5th grade. The schedule varies from year to year from a one-day camp to maybe a few evenings.   VBS includes stories, games, crafts, music, science, food all centered around a fun theme.         

Happy Circle

Music Ministry

First United Methodist Church of Georgetown has an active and awesome adult choir.  They provide music during the worship service beginning each fall to mid-May.  During the summer months, special ensembles from choir members and the community enhance the worship service.  We invite all who love to sing to join us in this important ministry.  The Choir rehearses every Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. during the fall, winter, and spring seasons.  The choir family is very special and enjoy laughter and fun under the direction of our talented Director while singing praises to our Lord.    

Prayer Team

The Church Prayer Team is passionate about praying for others, because they believe in the power of prayer.   This ministry offers up specific prayers received from our church family and community.  The Prayer Team leader shares prayer requests to members of the team via text, email, and phone calls.  The volunteer team then set aside time to pray for those hurting and in need.

Praying Hands

First United Methodist Church of Georgetown

400 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 155

Georgetown, IL 61846


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